Mini Thoughts

I have been so inspired by all the bloggers at Clear River, I decided to give it a try.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Practice makes perfect

So I'm reading from the Strings magazine web site an article about practicing. Thought I'd pick up a few tips and suggestions on how to better spend my time when I practice. Included in the article was this paragraph:

"So your priorities should include some balance of getting the correct notes down, working out the rhythms and bowings, watching your position and posture, being careful with intonation (more on that later), working on shifting (with a relaxed left thumb, repeat each shift five times or more, up and down), watching bow division and articulation, and paying attention to vibrato and tone, all while developing an interpretation of the piece. That'’s just for starters."

I had to chuckle. See, I've been playing the violin since I was 10 years old. I'm no Heifitz by any means, but playing does seem to come a little more naturally to me than other people I have met. I've never really sat down and thought about what actually goes in to playing....I've always just done what I was told and played. I've read and been told that the violin is the hardest instrument to learn to play. Hmmm, well, ok, if they say so. I never found it difficult. Challenging, sure! But not difficult. Through the years I've tried to explain to people just what is involved in playing the violin, and playing it well. This paragraph (above) seemed to sum it up pretty well! (Thus my chuckle.) Coordinating all of the above, and then some, is what makes the difference between a squeaky-squawky sound and a singing beautiful tone.

Perhaps I've just taken for granted that one must combine so many aspects to play well. Perhaps I've just never thought about it, because if I had I would have realized all that was involved and stopped playing. (.......nah, I doubt it) I don't know. All I know is that I love to play, feel blessed by the gift of talent the Lord has given me, and have no intention of neglecting that gift.

I also know that if anyone doubts how difficult playing the violin is, I can now quote the above passage.......with emphysis on "And that's just for starters!!!"

(picture taken from Family Heirloom Search of a Stradivarius violin that was taken from the author of the web site during WWII and has never been recovered.)


  • At 11:14 AM, Blogger David said…

    Okay, so you're back on the honor roll! Sorry, I thought maybe you had given up on the blogosphere.



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